Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bathroom Blues

I don't mean to be too graphic, but this is part of life. Admittedly, the part I hate the most!
Someone has been vomiting in my house for 3 days!! First Kian, then me, then Mackenzie and almost simultaneously Vanessa and Calah. We were SO scared for Doug because he starts work tomorrow!! I wish there was a Clorox button for the bathroom where I could just close the door and spray it down!
So far Vanessa and Calah have had it the longest and Doug may have it but thank heavens for small favors, it is light. Typically it has lasted about 10 hours, but the amount of laundry that can accumulate...Iy yi yi!!
So if I owe you a response for anything please know that it is is just buried under 6 feet of laundry!!!

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