Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Need a Miracle...

Well, we dodged that bullet for now.
The new sheriff has instituted new "rules", of course. She came from Sprint and she does things Sprint's way (remember how Doug worked for Sprint?). Now instead of having a yearly quota he has a monthly quota which she just now mentioned. So he has two weeks to get $110,000 in sales and $13,000 in services (he has $7,000 in services for this month, zero in sales).
We need a miracle. I don't think I have it in me to live in Doug's parents basement right now. But we will carry on and hope and pray for the best. I just hope that we recognize it.


jendoop said...

Thanks for posting a follow-up but I hoped it would be better news than that :( POOOOOOP.

Sara said...

We are praying for you and your wonderful family.

Tara said...

Wow, Caren. We'll be praying for you guys.

Jaime said...

OH, Caren...we love you guys. I hope things turn around quickly. We are praying for you too.
~keep us posted.